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Retail Franchise Opportunities

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13 Franchise Opportunities
  • Recruitment Agencies

    Established awards winning maid agency of more than 10 years industry experiences with 3 outlets looking for franchisee. Good profit margin and business expansion opportunities. Choice of operating at our existing set up premise with zero start up capital for office/retail.
  • Beauty Salons

    Health Food and Nutrition Shops

    From 2016, Wellaholic sparked a beauty revolution with transformative, award-winning services. Now, we invite passionate partners to grow our thriving 9-outlet network in Singapore and Malaysia and globalize the Wellaholic vision!
  • Bakeries

    Manufacturing and Supplying to local retail outlets and export to overseas outlets. Looking to work with partners that can provide fresh funds for our expansion plan.
  • Beauty Salons

    Health Food and Nutrition Shops

    VLCC will be the only Wellness & Beauty player to offer a full-service solution covering Wellness, Weight-management, Beauty (including Aesthetic Dermatology). VLCC ha been in the market since 1989 and we work with over 10000 clients on a daily basis on beauty and wellness products and services.
  • Convenience Store

    以O2O模式经营,专门攻打b40市场, 我们有自己的Cashcard
  • Retail

    H&L将“物超所值”作为品牌的核心理念,将“持续给消费者创造超越期待的产品”作为企业目标,不断给消费者传递快乐和惊喜,这种质朴的品牌价值也因此赢得众多消费者的青睐,在过去三年中线下实体零售市场整体低迷的情况下,一举成为快时尚百货领域的领军者。 通过6000多款物超所值的产品,每天向全球超过100万人传递快乐和惊喜!
  • $50K - 100K

    Convenience Store

    Import and Export

  • Coffee Shops and Cafes

    Convenience Store

    FUTARI提供一站式加盟方案。店面设计,提供人员培训/支援,无论是一个档口,商场小空间,店面都可以经营。 马来西亚几家报馆杂志都报道过本店的独家特调饮料及独家各类甜咸口味的香脆华夫饼。有别于其他华夫饼,我们提供香脆而不油腻的的华夫饼。 FUTARI provided full range of franchis
  • S$50K - 100K

    Convenience Store


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