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Franchise Opportunities

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106 Franchise Opportunities
  • Coffee Shops and Cafes

    Convenience Store

    FUTARI提供一站式加盟方案。店面设计,提供人员培训/支援,无论是一个档口,商场小空间,店面都可以经营。 马来西亚几家报馆杂志都报道过本店的独家特调饮料及独家各类甜咸口味的香脆华夫饼。有别于其他华夫饼,我们提供香脆而不油腻的的华夫饼。 FUTARI provided full range of franchis
  • Service

    The Franchisee have the option to use a new company name for their business.
  • Software Design and Development

    Advertising and Marketing Agencies

    How to make $3,000 - $5,000 / mth extra within 60 days by selling PROVEN Instagram marketing services to local business owners in Singapore. You have probably been thinking of creating your own business but what if there is a business that is already successful, that's already generating well over...
  • Coffee Shops and Cafes

    Take Aways

    Nectar® is seeking passionate individuals in Singapore and overseas who are enthusiastic about tasty, healthy premium yogurt and great tasting products. Website: www.welovenectar.com Facebook: nectarsg Instagram: nectar_sg
  • Car Washes and Grooming

    We are looking for franchisee who are looking to explore the automotive industry. High growth and high profit margin. We will assist you in all marketing setup and how to market the services to your customers. Startup cost: $5000 SGD Product cost: $1000 SGD Easy operating business with backup from...
  • S$50K - 100K

    Convenience Store


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