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Listing Id: 17377 Total Views: 3061

(Sold) Singapore’s Leading Environmental Monitoring Service Provider - Contract With Government Entities.

Central Area

Date Closed: 23/07/2020

Asking Price: S$200K - 500K


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental S$3,900
  • Rental Desposit S$8,000***
  • Revenue S$20K - 50K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit S$10K - 20K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Part Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker
  • ***Inlcude in the selling price

Reason For Sale

Going overseas


This is a Singapore-based company that undertakes monitoring requirements for critical infrastructure in Singapore.

3 main areas of business:
1. Flow gauging – equipment is installed usually in a pipe and the flow and velocity of water is measured
2. Level monitoring – equipment is installed that measures the water level and changes in the water level within a pipe or waterway
3. Sampling – equipment is installed that takes samples of water flow on a periodic basis or when triggered by an event

The company owns equipment to enable it to undertake the above work and this is very advantageous as it allows us to bid very competitively for new work. The equipment owned includes autosamplers, flow/velocity gauges, rain gauges, groundwater level loggers, handheld flow meters, etc.

The clients are primarily Singapore government entities, either directly or indirectly. The company also works with a number of Singaporean environmental and engineering consultancies such as AECOM, ERM and DHI, sometimes providing equipment to them for purchase or rental and sometimes working with them on joint tenders or proposals.

Asking Price: $450,000
Revenue: $405,000
Net Profit: $257,000
Company Type: Private Limited
GST Registered: No
Years In Business: Upon Request
Owners Role: Part-Time
Location: Central
Premise Size: 1200sqft
Monthly Rental: $3900
Rental Deposit: Upon Request
Stock: N.A
Staff: 5
Training By Owner: Yes
Reason For Sale: Going overseas.

Get More Information:
Call & Text: 9753 4609
Email: info@hnsbusiness.com
Brought to you by H&S Business Broker

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